vb. (present participle of get down English)
Usage examples of "getting down".
But her life was just now full of hope and action: she was not only thinking of her plans, but getting down learned books from the library and reading many things hastily (that she might be a little less ignorant in talking to Mr.
Urien turned to Verin, just getting down off her horse, and made an odd bow, digging the points of his spears into the ground and extending his right hand, palm up.
They seemed to be sizing Umpily up, conveying a sense of getting down to business.
Her feeble voice sounded so far away in her bundle of shawls, and the sound of another voice addressing her seemed to take such a long time in getting down to her ears, that she might have been lying at the bottom of a well.
I heard a sort of confusion round me, loud, angry voices, and the getting down of the luggage, but it was all like a dream.
When the antimatter hit the water it created a thrust just made for getting down and busy.
He studied the others, just now getting down from their horses, and his eyes lit on Perrin.
The engineers are getting down to it here in Sindi, but it looks like we're going to need a bigger labor force to pull this off.
The engineers are getting down to it here in Sindi, but it looks like we’.
With breakfast finished, weather permitting, John and John Quincy customarily set off for a five- or six-mile walk in the Bois de Boulogne before getting down to work.