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The Getae or or Gets (, singular ; ; ) are names given to several Thracian tribes inhabiting the regions to either side of the Lower Danube, in what is today northern Bulgaria and southern Romania. Both the singular form Get and Getae may be derived from a Greek exonym: the area was the hinterland of Greek colonies on the Black Sea coast, bringing the Getae into contact with the Ancient Greeks from an early date. Several scholars, especially in the Romanian historiography, posit the identity between the Getae and their westward neighbours, the Dacians.

Usage examples of "getae".

And they turned east to follow the Danubius toward the plains of the Getae and the Sarmatae.

Such as are on the other side are called Dacians, and are either a branch of the Getae or Thracians belonging to the Dacian race that once inhabited Rhodope.

Then with the aid of Roles, king of some of the Getae, he destroyed them.

Upon this success he did not keep his hands from the rest of the Getae, though they had nothing to do with Dapyx.

Anciently Moesians and Getae occupied all the land between the Haemus and the Ister.