vb. (context idiomatic English) To escape punishment for.
Usage examples of "get away with".
Though the Deneb Accords forbade adjustment of captured enemy personnel, everyone knew it would happen anyway if someone thought he could get away with it.
He knows you'll turn on him the first time you figure you can get away with it.
Dawn was the only kid in school who could get away with wearing them.
I hear towns farther out can get away with all kinds shenanigans on their taxes.
It is lying, you know, and the novelist has to spend a lot of time during the course of his writing worrying about whether he is going to get away with his lies.
I can't just let them get away with deciding to use my ship like it's their property.
She couldn't keep popping off at superior officers on whose goodwill she was dependent and get away with it.
On the way to the hotel, Kasia told me that she intended to buy, through a corporation that she planned on setting up, as much scenic wilderness land as she could get, and to leverage the financing as far as they would let her get away with it.
And besides, even the simplest islander would know he couldn't get away with it.