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get around

vb. 1 (&lit get around English) 2 To move to the other side of an obstruction. 3 To come around something. 4 To avoid or bypass an obstacle. 5 To circumvent the obligation and performance of a chore. 6 To transport oneself from place to place. 7 (context slang English) To be sexually promiscuous.

get around
  1. v. be released or become known; of news; "News of her death broke in the morning" [syn: break, get out]

  2. avoid something unpleasant or laborious; "You cannot bypass these rules!" [syn: bypass, short-circuit, go around]

  3. be a social swinger; socialize a lot [syn: swing]

  4. move around; move from place to place; "How does she get around without a car?" [syn: get about]

Usage examples of "get around".

Johnston bought time by yielding space, while Sherman continually tried to get around his flank and get between his army and the vital railroad and manufacturing center of Atlanta that he was defending.

He could not get around the government ruling because this was Earth and the zone of evil lay over everything.

If he could get around the intersection, he could easily outrun the hijackers’.

Each member of the landing party was supplied with some of the newly minted currency, enough to get around with.

Somehow, when it comes to applying the same scientific principles to humans, I can't seem to get around that word—.

Since 1905, when Einstein pointed out that nothing in the Universe can move faster than light, physicists and science-fiction writers have been racking their brains trying to figure out a way get around the lightspeed limit.