Crossword clues for gestated
vb. (en-past of: gestate)
Usage examples of "gestated".
Her mother, caged by a spell, had been given no choice but to remain on Earth and, in time, be subsumed into the earthly substance of the child she gestated in her aetherical womb.
All but me, because I was gestated in a womb-analogue set-up similar to the voidhawks and their captains.
Their first five offspring had been gestated in exowombs after the zygotes had been carefully geneered to the latest physiological pinnacle which the Kulu geneticists had achieved.
The new colony’s start-up population will be gestated in exowombs and cared for by AIs during their childhood.
There in the silent secrecy of her cell she gestated and in approximately a year gave birth to a peculiar little monster who presently began to take on the Nunuli appearance.
By the time the SK2s were gestated, the design was essentially complete.
Cloned from long-dead ancestors, gestated in artificial wombs, they were trained from birth to be soldiers and nothing else.
Despite all the training, despite being gestated specifically to be a soldier, despite a lifetime of nothing but the military, Quint had taken all the fighting he was ever going to take.