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a. Of or pertaining to gerontology.


adj. of or relating to or practicing geriatrics; "geriatric hospital" [syn: geriatric]

Usage examples of "gerontological".

A receptor agonist tailored for gerontological wards, it stimulates interest in the new: combined with MDMA, it's a component of the street cocktail called sensawunda.

Presumably they were still doing without—the gerontological treatments had been only partially distributed on Earth, following the isobars of money and power, and the Abkhasians had always been poor.

The incubators in the Da Vinci labs had long since cooked up a full set of corrected Ann-specific DNA strands, and antisense reinforcers, and glue-ons—the whole gerontological package, in its latest configuration.

She strolled lazily under the leaves of the trees in the park, and through the locked gate into the Praxis building, then up to the apartment to eat supper with Michel, who usually had finished a long day of doing therapy with homesick newcomers from Earth, or old-timers with a variety of complaints like Maya's deja vu or Spencer's dissociation-memory loss, anomie, phantom smells and the like odd gerontological problems, which had seldom cropped up in shorter-lived people, giving ominous warnings that the treatments might not be penetrating the brain quite as fully as they needed them to.

She strolled lazily under the leaves of the trees in the park, and through the locked gate into the Praxis building, then up to the apartment to eat supper with Michel, who usually had finished a long day of doing therapy with homesick newcomers from Earth, or old-timers with a variety of complaints like Maya’s deja vu or Spencer’s dissociation—memory loss, anomie, phantom smells and the like— odd gerontological problems, which had seldom cropped up in shorter-lived people, giving ominous warnings that the treatments might not be penetrating the brain quite as fully as they needed them to.