Gerbert is a Pre School American children's television series produced by Brad Smith and created by Andy Holmes. The Gerbert series was developed for children between the ages of 3-7. Gerbert teaches children about kindness and friendship, making good choices, the importance of loving your neighbor and learning a valuable lesson in life.
The Gerbert series was co-produced by HSH Educational Media and CBN in 1987. HSH Educational Media was owned by Brad Smith and his brother Chris Christian. Chris Christian and Brad Smith were the Executive Producers of all the Gerbert TV Shows. The Gerbert TV Show first aired on the CBN Cable Network (1981-1988), which later changed its name to CBN Family Channel (1988-1990) and then to the Family Channel (1990-1998). The Family Channel was sold to Disney and eventually became ABC Family Channel. The first shows were taped in Virginia Beach, Virginia at the CBN studios and all other shows were taped in Irving, Texas at the Studios at Las Colinas.
Gerbert first aired in the mornings on the Christian Broadcasting Network's The Family Channel (now Freeform) from 1988 to 1991, and was also sold as a video series in Wal-Mart and Christian book stores. It has aired on Christian television stations and networks continuously since its 1988 debut. A secular version, without religious content, was seen on many PBS stations in the early-1990s. The series aired in the late 2000s on KidMango. It currently airs on many TV networks and streaming services.
Gerbert is a Germanic given name, from gar "spear" and berht "bright".
People with Gerbert as given name:
- Gerbert of Aurillac, who became Pope Silvester II
- Gerbert de Montreuil, French poet of the thirteenth century
- Gerbert Moritsevich Rappaport, (1908 - 1983), a Soviet filmmaker
People with the surname Gerbert:
- Martin Gerbert, German musicologist
in popular culture
- Gerbert (TV series), a Christian children's TV series