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GeoSUR is a regional initiative led by spatial data producers in Latin America and the Caribbean to implement a regional geospatial network and to help establish the basis of a spatial data infrastructure in the region. GeoSUR supports the development of free access geographic services useful to find, view and analyze spatial information through maps, satellite images, and geographic data.

Participation in the network is open to any spatial data producer that is willing to place their geospatial information at the public’s disposal and for the development of the region. Participation by institutions that generate useful information for decision making and development activities is emphasized.

The network is headed by CAF – the Development Bank of Latin America and the Pan-American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH), with more than 90 regional and national institutions participating, among which the ministries of planning and public works, ministries of the environment, and geographic institutions of the region stand out as early adopters.

GeoSUR has received five international awards:

  • Special Achievement in GIS 2010, ESRI International User Conference 2010
  • Latin American Geospatial Excellence Award, Latin American Geospatial Forum 2011
  • NASIG 2012 Award, ESRI Venezuela
  • Presidential Award for GeoSUR, Portal of the Americas, ESRI International User Conference 2012
  • MundoGeoConnect 2013 Award, Special Award.