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a. At a fixed distance in three dimensions relative to a particular point on the Earth's surface; generally only possible with orbital satellites.


adj. of or having a geosynchronous orbit such that the position in such an orbit is fixed with respect to the earth; "a geostationary satellite"


Usage examples of "geostationary".

The signals captured by the equipment will be remotely retransmitted to a geostationary Sigint satellite, which will relay them to NSA.

The skiffs blurred into their jumps and returned for more troops about once every minute as they zipped back and forth at lightspeed between the geostationary and lunar forts, then in longer jumps as they took on the Trojan-orbit fort and, at even longer intervals, two of the three asteroid bases.

Ion engines pushed the comsats into geostationary orbit, positioning them to give complete coverage of the planet, with overlapping reception footprints covering Amarisk in its entirety.

Joshua fired a last coded message at the geostationary communications satellites, then the dish antenna and various sensor clusters started to sink down into their jump recesses.

The image was being provided from a geostationary observing satellite, 22,000 miles up, so the whole globe showed as a ball that filled most of the screen.

Now it was a definite spiral that seemed to grow with every new image transmitted by the geostationary GOES weather satellite.

The ship was in geostationary orbit in seconds, poised over the terminator.

More serious and scientific followers of Ptolemy, however, would have to spiral the Sun through the most complex gyrations imaginable, in order to save these newly recognized appearances in a geocentric and geostationary system.

His personal AS noted the direction of his ire and informed him that three observation satellites and one geostationary communications relay had failed.

The silver threads of the world web spun out by the dragon in geostationary orbit were becoming more complex as the englobing progressed.

Perched like chattering magpies in geostationary orbits above the earth, the seventeen INTELSAT satellites provide telephone, fax, e-mail, and other international communications to over 200 countries and territories around the world.

After three months of testing and calibration, INTELSAT 707 was nudged into its geostationary orbit high above the tiny West African island nation of Sao Tome and Principe.

Sitting atop the spacecraft, beneath a protective clam-shell sheath, was the first of a new generation of Inmarsat communications satellites on its way to geostationary orbit more than 22,000 miles over the Indian Ocean.

Most military communications systems are hardened, but virtually all the geostationary communications satellites are vulnerable, as are all broadcasting facilities, all uplinks and downlinks, most telephone systems based on satellite longlines and high-speed multiplexing switches, broadcast systems, and.

And just to add to the situation: all five Strategic Defence networks placed their geostationary platforms on amber alert status as soon as we targeted the Alenia and powered up our weapons platforms.