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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Geometrize \Ge*om"e*trize\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Geometrized; p. pr. & vb. n. Geometrizing.] To investigate or apprehend geometrical quantities or laws; to make geometrical constructions; to proceed in accordance with the principles of geometry.

Nature geometrizeth, and observeth order in all things.
--Sir T. Browne.


vb. (present participle of geometrize English)

Usage examples of "geometrizing".

Or tributes to that fallen leader, the to-tern aspects-the square-framed glasses precise as geometrizing instruments, the equally meticulous and fussy clothes-incorporated like the fetishes of the dead into their own gestalt.

Within him, through him, as the outward semblance of the kind passed away, I saw the swirls and curves, the straits and channels-black-lined, geometrizing abstractly inside the general outline of a large and noble figure.

Within him, through him, as the outward semblance of the kind passed away, I saw the swirls and curves, the straits and channels—black-lined, geometrizing abstractly inside the general outline of a large and noble figure.