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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Geocentric \Ge`o*cen"tric\, Geocentrical \Ge`o*cen"tric*al\, a. [Gr. ge`a, gh^, the earth + ke`ntron center: cf. F. g['e]ocentrique.] (Astron.) (a) Having, considering, or based on, the earth as center; as, the geocentric theory of the universe; in relation to or seen from the earth, -- usually opposed to heliocentric, as seen from the sun; as, the geocentric longitude or latitude of a planet.

Geocentric latitude (of place) the angle included between the radius of the earth through the place and the plane of the equator, in distinction from geographic latitude. It is a little less than the geographic latitude.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1680s, from geo- + -centric. Related: Geocentrism (1882).


a. Having the Earth at the center. Usually in reference to the Solar System.


adj. having the earth as the center [ant: heliocentric]

Usage examples of "geocentric".

And the eternal equation of geocentric and egocentric comes lurching to the fore.

And they succeeded: With later modifications, the geocentric hypothesis adequately accounted for the facts of planetary motion as known in the second century, and in the sixteenth.

Italian scientist who played so central a role in toppling the geocentric pretension.

The shift from a geocentric to a heliocentric world view seemed to have removed man from the center -- and the center seemed so important!

Scientifically, one can observe that the concepts of a geocentric universe and a flat Earth are fallacious, though there are still those who would disagree.

Like the Copernican shift from a geocentric to a heliocentric view of the solar system, the shift from scientific materialism to radical empiricism entails a shift from a matter-centered concept of reality to a holistic view of mental and physical phenomena as dependently related events.

More serious and scientific followers of Ptolemy, however, would have to spiral the Sun through the most complex gyrations imaginable, in order to save these newly recognized appearances in a geocentric and geostationary system.

Astronomical discoveries and speculations seemed for a time to afford some warrant for this view, which was, moreover, an acceptable substitute for the abandoned geocentric theory in minds that could only conceive of God as a superhuman artificer, constantly admiring his own work.

Ptolemy, or Ptolemaeus in Latin, presented a geocentric picture of the Solar System with the Earth at the center, while Copernicus presented a heliocentric one with the Sun at the center.

Dante, and you will find that to them the earth is the center of creation, that the infinite stars circle around it, and that man is the king of animals: a geocentric and anthropocentric illusion inspired by immeasurable conceit.

After the geocentric illusion had been destroyed, the anthropocentric illusion still remained.

While the geocentric and anthropocentric illusions have been dispelled, the illusion of the immobility and eternity of classes still persists.

Of course, so long as the geocentric and anthropocentric illusions dominate, it is natural that the lore of stability should impress itself upon science and life.

If the Ptolemaics wanted a geocentric universe, they ignored Copernicus.

With grave solemnity and ceremony, Chase had Jacinta switch the navigational system from the geocentric to the heliocentric coordinate system.