Crossword clues for gentlest
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Gentle \Gen"tle\, a. [Compar. Gentler; superl. Gentlest.] [OE. gentil, F. gentil noble, pretty, graceful, fr. L. gentilis of the same clan or race, fr. gens, gentis, tribe, clan, race, orig. that which belongs together by birth, fr. the root of genere, gignere, to beget; hence gentle, properly, of birth or family, that is, of good or noble birth. See Gender, and cf. Genteel, Gentil, Gentile, Gentoo, Jaunty.]
Well-born; of a good family or respectable birth, though not noble.
British society is divided into nobility, gentry, and yeomanry, and families are either noble, gentle, or simple.
--Johnson's Cyc.The studies wherein our noble and gentle youth ought to bestow their time.
--Milton. Quiet and refined in manners; not rough, harsh, or stern; mild; meek; bland; amiable; tender; as, a gentle nature, temper, or disposition; a gentle manner; a gentle address; a gentle voice.
A compellative of respect, consideration, or conciliation; as, gentle reader. ``Gentle sirs.'' ``Gentle Jew.'' ``Gentle servant.''
--Shak.Not wild, turbulent, or refractory; quiet and docile; tame; peaceable; as, a gentle horse.
Soft; not violent or rough; not strong, loud, or disturbing; easy; soothing; pacific; as, a gentle touch; a gentle gallop . ``Gentle music.''
--Sir J. Davies.O sleep! it is a gentle thing.
--Coleridge.The gentle craft, the art or trade of shoemaking.
Syn: Mild; meek; placid; dovelike; quiet; peaceful; pacific; bland; soft; tame; tractable; docile.
Usage: Gentle, Tame, Mild, Meek. Gentle describes the natural disposition; tame, that which is subdued by training; mild implies a temper which is, by nature, not easily provoked; meek, a spirit which has been schooled to mildness by discipline or suffering. The lamb is gentle; the domestic fowl is tame; John, the Apostle, was mild; Moses was meek.
a. (en-superlative of: gentle)
Usage examples of "gentlest".
But that the gentlest breezes reach the spot Unwearied and unweakened.
Thou Sun, that kindlest all thy gentlest rays Above it, as to light a favorite hearth!
She knew her sister, pitied her, always made for her the gentlest allowances.
Generally there was a strong breeze on this point, but to-day the west was breathing its gentlest, warm upon the cheek.
As we have said before, the world regarded him as a target, and would hardly have believed that he was in reality a man of the gentlest tastes, as fond of his home as any man in England, a faithful friend and a devoted father, and perhaps all the more dependent on the sympathies of his own circle because of the bitter hostility he encountered from other quarters.
He was good enough to give me the gentlest, prettiest horse, but after all he could not tie me on and, failing that precaution, I fell right in the middle of that long street, near the bridge.
But nothing could have prepared him for the moment when she raised his knuckles to her lips and graced them with the gentlest of kisses.
Even the gentlest of slopes would make difficulties for the mule drivers and for some of the men who were no longer truly fit.
Philliston, replacing his hand at his side with the gentlest of efforts.
The little boy must have contended with fear in this awesome environment, the child of gentlest nurture, but he thought he was going to his mother, or perchance he could not have submitted with such docility, so uncomplainingly.
He is the noblest man I ever knew, the gentlest and kindest, and I never knew a man could love another as he has loved you.
Savior, who bestows upon him the gentlest and most understanding of smiles, Kirk convulses and comes.
Amelia, the gentlest and sweetest of everyday mortals, when she found this meddling with her maternal authority, thrilled and trembled all over with anger.
She told him that she thought Major William was the best man in all the world--the gentlest and the kindest, the bravest and the humblest.
So soft was the touch of his fangs that I was only just conscious my hand was in his mouth by now and then the gentlest reminder.