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Gensim is an open-source vector space modeling and topic modeling toolkit, implemented in the Python programming language. It uses NumPy, SciPy and optionally Cython for performance. It is specifically intended for handling large text collections, using efficient online, incremental algorithms. Gensim is commercially supported by the startup RaRe Technologies.

Gensim includes implementations of tf-idf, random projections, word2vec and document2vec algorithms, hierarchical Dirichlet processes (HDP), latent semantic analysis (LSA) and latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), including distributed parallel versions.

Gensim has been used and cited in over 300 commercial as well as academic applications and described in several news articles and interviews. The code is hosted on GitHub and a support forum is maintained on Google Groups.

Some of the online algorithms in Gensim were also published in the 2011 PhD dissertation Scalability of Semantic Analysis in Natural Language Processing of Radim Řehůřek, the creator of Gensim.