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The Collaborative International Dictionary

genocidal \gen`o*cid"al\ a. Of or pertaining to genocide; as, the genocidal policies of the Serbs in Bosnia.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1948, from genocide + -al (1). Related: Genocidally.


a. Causative of or relating to an act or policy of genocide.

Usage examples of "genocidal".

After the genocidal campaigns of his regime in the 1980s, this absence alone constitutes an enormous advance in the situation of the Kurds.

He was also certain that it was the location of the emitters that sent the wave on its genocidal onslaught.

I imagine any jury composed of genocidal maniacs is pretty likely to let you off the hook.

She didn't even waste the mental effort it would have required to wonder if the Honorable Legislative Assemblywoman had forgotten the genocidal Rigelians and the fanatical Thebans, both of which races had been all too capable of building spaceships and neither of which had subscribed to the philosophy the Honorable Legislative Assemblywoman, with a parochialism fit to shame a medieval peasant, assumed must be universal.

Fish's first page was a justification for the assassination, citing Milosevic's destabilising plans for a Greater Serbia, his illegal covert support for Radovan Karadzic and his genocidal plans for the Albanian population of Kosovo.

Brown, the magazine's publisher, is an associate of General John Singlaub, a key Iran-Contra player who ran the genocidal Phoenix Program in Vietnam, and helped train death squads in Central America.

The spook from the revolution on Newpeace all those years ago, the gray eminence at the center of a web of interstellar assassination and intrigue, turned out to be a fixer who was desperately trying to save a planet from the posthumous legacy of a genocidal megalomaniac—.

And typical 'tis that even you, gentle reader, will automatically respond with the genocidal impulse of your bestial race, so evident even in ancient times and now, since the Great Calamity, grown systematic and ruthless in its horror.