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a. (context science fiction English) genetically engineered

Usage examples of "gengineered".

That was how the Engineers had begun, by turning their demonstrations into barbecues for the gengineered pigs that served society as street-cleaners.

Nor was there any trace of the gengineered vines whose fruit had been dried and carved and fitted out to make the bioform Quonset huts.

A vehicle with a strong resemblance to one of the twentieth-century internal combustion automobiles now visible only in museums and parades, it had been gengineered from an insect by enlarging the body and legs, reinforcing the exoskeleton with an internal framework modeled on--but stronger than--that of mammals, and creating a passenger compartment in the abdomen.

The worst of them held his origin as a gengineered pig, a garbage disposal, against him.

The gengineered German shepherd was stretched on the carpeted floor near his feet.

A distant roar and an arrow-straight contrail, growing louder, closer, faster than any gengineered jetliner could possibly manage, even with strap-on assistance, marked the arrival of a spaceplane from orbit.

We have not analyzed these new gengineered crops thoroughly enough at all!

But the familiar odors of food and bodies, the sounds of voices and cutlery on china, the vision of long rows of snackbushes and conventional crop plants, of tomato, lettuce, onion, pepper, carrot, cabbage, and broccoli plants, of herbs and flowers--even a gengineered amaryllis or two with their face-like blossoms--all growing in knee-high planters stretched along the walls and extended through the room as dividers, all quickly restored the sense of the familiar.

Massaba suddenly leaned forward, his eyes intent first on the gengineered German shepherd, then on Frederick and Donna Rose.

He was not surprised to see Engineers in the outer ring of an iris, nor bots and gengineered humans in the inner, nor knives and clubs and unzippered blue coveralls.

They had slaughtered gengineers and gengineered, the owners and sellers of Slugabeds and garbage disposals and Roachsters, greenskins and bots.

What was left depended on the flows of water and wind and tide and sun, not the gengineered technology that had replaced the old machines and that the Engineers therefore hated and destroyed.

They were bots and humans, modified and unmodified, gengineers and greenskins and ordinary people who had once owned gengineered devices or chosen to be decorated with tattoos and inserts.

They were clearly functional, aquiver with life and potential, the limbs of a child, or of an adult who had been treated with the viruses gengineered to stimulate regeneration.

This group of refugees was small, less than forty, mainly bots with a sprinkling of greenskins and other gengineered humans.