Gengar, known in Japan as , is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise. It is a Ghost/Poison type Pokémon. Designed by Game Freak, their name is both the singular and plural name of the species. First appearing in Pokémon Red and Blue, they later appeared in subsequent sequels, spin-off games, related merchandise, and animated and printed adaptations of the franchise. In animated appearances, Gengar are voiced in Japanese by Kōichi Sakaguchi and in English localizations by Ted Lewis.
Gengar has been well received by the media, noted as popular with older male children and praised for its appearance. Groups such as IGN and Official Nintendo Magazine have praised its abilities and style, with both naming it one of the series' best characters. Gengar is the most evolved of the three Ghost Pokémon in the First Generation.