n. (plural of genetic engineer English)
Usage examples of "genetic engineers".
Most members of die Institute of Genetic Art preferred to exhibit dieir work pseudonymously in diose days-a hangover from the era when there were too many people still alive who associated genetic engineers widi the weapons errf-ployed in the plague wars and the chiasmatic transformers which caused the Crash.
Perhaps the genetic engineers had erred and given him hands too large for the keys, fingers too thin and long and bony to be graceful or adept on the board.
The thing that the Ganymean genetic engineers would never have realized was that in isolating the latter, in order to make their proposed later experiments simpler, they were losing the former.
The Vitae were the best genetic engineers the Quarter Galaxy had to offer, but their Ancestors had been better.
Or did the octospider genetic engineers somehow breed them for transportation?
Wearing null-G belts but armed only with the fangs and talons and killing eyes the genetic engineers had given them, they soared to the top of the barrier, paused and feinted, dived and struck.
The bright hopes offered by Simon Percell and the genetic engineers of the early part of the century had nearly collapsed in a series of scandals more than a decade ago, leaving only a stolid pharmaceutical industry and a few mavericks such as Saul to carry on.
But genetic engineers used DNA from some skins preserved in the British Museum to bring them back again about ten years ago.
And then your genetic engineers found a new use for the ramas, I presume.
After brewing up the cyber-enhanced rats, the genetic engineers at the New Fabian Society's labs had tried for more heroic and idealistic helpers for mankind's war when the bats' soft-cyber units were downloaded.
In one way it seemed weak to admire, to love, someone engineered to be admirable and lovableit gave her the queasy feeling that she was being manipulated by the genetic engineers.