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genetic engineer

n. A scientist or engineer whose speciality is genetic engineering

Usage examples of "genetic engineer".

The 'official' operating system could read nothing, but 'unofficially' I could play genetic engineer and examine all the text on the disc.

And I doubt any genetic engineer would monkey with the brain yet-even a monkey's brain.

There just might happen to be a human genetic engineer among the time-travelers.

Deckard remembered the little wizened genetic engineer as a decrepit childlike creature with no more control over his destiny than he had over his own rapidly aging body.

The Howlers might further be helped by the skills of a genetic engineer from the Galactic Milieu.

And terrain is a powerful genetic engineer, determining what flourishes and what doesn't, pushing along progressive differentiation, and thus the evolution of new species.

And terrain is a powerful genetic engineer, determining what flourishes and what doesn’.