Crossword clues for generousness
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Generous \Gen"er*ous\, a. [F. g['e]n['e]reux, fr. L. generous of noble birth, noble, excellent, magnanimous, fr. genus birth, race: cf. It. generoso. See 2d Gender.]
Of honorable birth or origin; highborn. [Obs.]
The generous and gravest citizens.
--Shak. Exhibiting those qualities which are popularly reregarded as belonging to high birth; noble; honorable; magnanimous; spirited; courageous. ``The generous critic.''
--Pope. ``His generous spouse.''
--Pope. ``A generous pack [of hounds].''
--Addison.Open-handed; free to give; not close or niggardly; munificent; as, a generous friend or father.
Characterized by generosity; abundant; overflowing; as, a generous table.
Full of spirit or strength; stimulating; exalting; as, generous wine.
Syn: Magnanimous; bountiful. See Liberal. -- Gen"er*ous*ly, adv. -- Gen"er*ous*ness, n.
n. The quality of being generous; generosity
n. the trait of being willing to give your money or time [syn: generosity] [ant: stinginess]