Crossword clues for generously
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Generous \Gen"er*ous\, a. [F. g['e]n['e]reux, fr. L. generous of noble birth, noble, excellent, magnanimous, fr. genus birth, race: cf. It. generoso. See 2d Gender.]
Of honorable birth or origin; highborn. [Obs.]
The generous and gravest citizens.
--Shak. Exhibiting those qualities which are popularly reregarded as belonging to high birth; noble; honorable; magnanimous; spirited; courageous. ``The generous critic.''
--Pope. ``His generous spouse.''
--Pope. ``A generous pack [of hounds].''
--Addison.Open-handed; free to give; not close or niggardly; munificent; as, a generous friend or father.
Characterized by generosity; abundant; overflowing; as, a generous table.
Full of spirit or strength; stimulating; exalting; as, generous wine.
Syn: Magnanimous; bountiful. See Liberal. -- Gen"er*ous*ly, adv. -- Gen"er*ous*ness, n.
adv. In a generous manner, in a way that is giving or ample.
adv. in a generous manner; "he gave liberally to several charities" [syn: liberally, munificently]
Usage examples of "generously".
She was expecting him, however, and generously took him into her mouth, where he fountained with pressure sufficient for a three-foot jet had it been free to fly.
He dated it from Pistoia, and told me that in his poverty and misfortune he had appealed to an Englishman who was leaving Florence for Lucca, and had generously given him a bill of exchange for two hundred crowns, which he had written in his presence.
The coach started for Frankfort the same evening, and summoning Month I thanked him for his kindness and paid him generously, so he went off well pleased.
He therefore spent generously on Latchetts and on the horses that were his hobby.
Though my nevy and his wife have treated her generously, they have never shewn her any kindness.
All the world knew that Crawfords funds were at the disposal of the bank, and that two or three months before, when things were looking squally, he had come most generously to the rescue.
Return the corn to the earth, bury it, then, when the plowman turned the furrow in the spring, the tilth would come up rich and dark against the shear, a fertile soil willing to bear generously for whatever hand was put to the harrow.
For the moment we were treated most generously, receiving parcels of tsampa, meal, butter, and tea.
Perhaps it is time to drop a certain Buddhist imperialism and throw our synthesizing net a little wider, a little more generously.
He was giddy with the odors wreathing up from the silver dishes generously arrayed upon a long table.
The magnanimity of Julian was applauded and betrayed, by the arts of a noble Persian, who, in the cause of his country, had generously submitted to act a part full of danger, of falsehood, and of shame.
Pretending to be setting an example, Prairie slid over to one of the work counters, wrestled a hot baloney into place, quickly sharpened a knife, and began to carve the object into steaming, purple-rimmed slices, which she arranged attractively on a serving platter, generously spooning more shiny grape liquid over the top, to be carried in and set on one of the mess-hall tables, where eaters would serve themselves except for the people in assertiveness programs, of course, who sat over at their own table and each got a separate plate with the food already on it.
I had suggested that the way out of the difficulty was generously to offer a baronetcy to Mr.
For his part, Drehkos had then been well content to accept the baronetcy which was the patrimony of a second son of his sept of Clan Daiviz and the very munificent maintenance income which the new komees generously and most unexpectedly offered to furnish his brother until he was well married or had otherwise made his fortune.
Since, through the medium of its roots, it stores the ground with humus, such crops should come after it as feed generously on humus, as, for instance, corn and potatoes.