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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Generate \Gen"er*ate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Generated; p. pr. & vb. n. Generating.] [L. generatus, p. p. of generare to generate, fr. genus. See Genus, Gender.]

  1. To beget; to procreate; to propagate; to produce (a being similar to the parent); to engender; as, every animal generates its own species.

  2. To cause to be; to bring into life.

  3. To originate, especially by a vital or chemical process; to produce; to cause.

    Whatever generates a quantity of good chyle must likewise generate milk.

  4. (Math.) To trace out, as a line, figure, or solid, by the motion of a point or a magnitude of inferior order.


vb. (present participle of generate English)


Generating may refer to:

  • Generation of electricity as from an electrical generator
  • A Cantonese food classification

Usage examples of "generating".

And now there was a full-size movie crew up here, based out of Vineland but apt to show up just about anyplace, prominent among whom, and already generating notable Thanatoid distress, was this clearly insane Mexican DEA guy, not only dropping but also picking up, dribbling, and scoring three-pointers with the name of Frenesi Gates.

If a copier was slow in generating copies, that was money pluckedout of our pocket.

They were a source of what Peter Berger calls nihilation, which, as I view it, is any threat to the cultural translation process of generating meaning and its correlative form of social integration and stability.

The institute was a thoroughly modern and up-to-date facility, in keeping with the modern and up-to-date subjects taught within its walls: electricity and electronics, mechanics, plumbing, recycling and reclamation, construction, carpentry, accounting and bookkeeping, secretarial skills, data recording, computer programming and repair, cybernation maintenance, aeronautics, solar-cell construction, electrical generating, motion-picture projection, camera operation, audio recording, hydrogen-fusion operation, power broadcasting, electrical space propulsion, satellite construction and repair, telemetry, and many more.

Chiefly, that by generating your own energy you, the animal, have a higher rate of metabolism and so can be more active for longer periods than ectothermic animals, which need prolonged periods of warming up in the sun.

Among these operators are the Hamiltonian, whose eigenvalues give the energy and hence the mass of the vibrational state, as well as operators generating various gauge symmetries that the theory respects.

This also occurs in the elastin fibers, generating a lack of elasticity in the skin.

Roman law was the best available ideological weapon with which to confront papal hierocratic doctrine, this system became the natural concern of laymen involved in generating an embryonic political theory to refute the claims of papal governmental thought.

Hsiang Se City, it was said, was in the hands of the MRA, while the Tzu Li Keng Seng generating complex had shut down.

Tzu Li Keng Seng generating complex was up and running again, and the main communications channels between the Cities were open.

Tzu Li Keng Seng generating complex in the south to the three great northern cities of Hong Hai, Kang Kua, and Chi Shan.

Light proposed to build at Tunipah was an enormous generating plant, capable of producing more than five million kilowatts of electricity-enough to supply six cities the size of San Francisco.

For most of those twenty years Lodestar had languished as a small-time financial advisory firm, barely generating enough fee income to stay in business.

Off to the east, on the seacoast, Nyk could glimpse the domes and towers of the power generating plant, one of two on the planet.

I gritted my teeth as Roxy chatted on, unwilling to give in to the sensation, clutching the arms of the chair in an attempt to focus on what was real, not what my mind was generating.