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  1. (alternative spelling of generalized English) v

  2. (en-past of: generalise)

  1. adj. not biologically differentiated or adapted to a specific function or environment; "the hedgehog is a primitive and generalized mammal" [syn: generalized]

  2. spread throughout a body or system; "generalized edema" [syn: generalized]

  3. made general; widely prevalent; "a problem of generalized human needs"; "a state of generalized discontent" [syn: generalized]

Usage examples of "generalised".

Its generalised aim became the overthrow of the Cuno government which epitomised all that was rotten.

That is the first, most generalised difference between a Utopia based upon modern conceptions and all the Utopias that were written in the former time.

The facts were ignored that trade is a bye-product and not an essential factor in social life, that property is a plastic and fluctuating convention, that value is capable of impersonal treatment only in the case of the most generalised requirements.

Are we but mocking at Utopias, you demand, using all these noble and generalised hopes as the backcloth against which two bickering personalities jar and squabble?