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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
gender bias
▪ Is this clear evidence of gender bias in the manual?
▪ Psychological theories support two main forms of gender bias.
▪ Their attempts to provide more objective methods do not challenge the gender bias involved in psychological notions of objectivity.
▪ Woman-centred psychologists also criticize the gender bias of traditional psychological method.
gender bias

n. a prejudicial stance towards males or females

Usage examples of "gender bias".

My claim is that the structures of human consciousness that I will be presenting in the rest of this volume are in fact gender neutral, that there is no fundamental gender bias in the deep structures themselves.

Most people who have written about questions of gender bias in language have belonged to one camp or the other.

That Nikki had been Tien's hostage in the peculiar gender bias of Barrayar's custody laws had been a secondary consideration, though it was a wall she'd felt press against her back more than once.