is a Japanese anime production enterprise and studio, founded on March 3, 1997. Presided over by TarÅ Maki, its headquarters is located in Roppongi, Minato, Tokyo. It has produced numerous anime series such as Honey and Clover, Nodame Cantabile, Elfen Lied, Kino's Journey, Accel World, Sword Art Online, Genshiken and Toradora. It has also co-produced original creations like Yasuomi Umetsu's Wizard Barristers and did project collaborations like in Hero Tales (with Hiromu Arakawa and Studio Flag) and in Xebec's Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi.
Genco (disambiguation)
- GenCo (acronym for The Generating Company), an international touring circus company
- Genco Abbandando, the consigliere and business partner of Vito Corleone of The Godfather franchise, for which the olive oil import business is named
- Genco, Inc., Japanese anime company