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a. comfortable, cozy, snug, pleasant.


a. 1 comfortable, cosy, cozy, pleasant. 2 friendly, genial, cheerful, easy-going.

Usage examples of "gemutlich".

His face was blood red, otherwise he was in every respect the same charming, gemutlich German waiter who had first greeted them.

Herr Gemütlich would be delighted to see the American lawyer at ten the following morning.

This Gemütlich was thin to the point of cadaverous, in his early sixties, gray-suited, gray-tied, with thinning hair and face to match.

His primary task, now accomplished, was to identify the person of Gemütlich for the yarid team out in the street.

Herr Gemütlich was happy to explain that numbered accounts with Winkler were impregnable and discretion was obsessive.

That afternoon, from a series of photographs, he identified Wolfgang Gemütlich and, for good measure, Fräulein Hardenberg.

The next day, while he was at work, the yarid team had watched the house until Frau Gemütlich left to go shopping.

The bank, Gemütlich, her reputation, his youth, his foreignness, their ages, the warmth, the wine, the odor, the strength, the lips.

It was in the lunch hour as he spread his linen napkin on his blotter and ate the sandwiches dutifully prepared by Frau Gemütlich, as on every day, that the solution came to him.

It was not even the heels or the hair or the makeup that distressed him, though he would have flatly banned them all had Frau Gemütlich even mentioned the very idea.

One day I go in and say: Good morning, Herr Gemütlich, my name is Schmitt, and I have an account here.

Unless they are all complied with—to the letter—Herr Gemütlich will not cooperate.

Also, it has a compartment, created by the original cabinetmaker, so secret, so hard to find, that Gemütlich thinks it is safer than any safe.

For over five hours he sat with his eyes closed and cast his mind back to the interview he had had with Gemütlich while posing as a lawyer from New York.

After five hours the artist had a sheet of the finest cartridge paper on which was an exact colored picture of the desk then sitting in the office of Herr Wolfgang Gemütlich at the Winkler Bank in the Ballgasse, Vienna.