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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Chester, a chestnut gelding with three white socks, was a particular family pet.
▪ In general, it is best to geld a colt before he is one-year old.
▪ In the process, the people often gelded themselves.
▪ The 4-year-old gelding had never encountered a sloppy track before, but took to it immediately.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Geld \Geld\, n. [AS. gild, gield, geld, tribute, payment, fr. gieldan to pay, render. See Yield.] Money; tribute; compensation; ransom.[Obs.]

Note: This word occurs in old law books in composition, as in danegeld, or danegelt, a tax imposed by the Danes; weregeld, compensation for the life of a man, etc.


Geld \Geld\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Gelded or Gelt (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Gelding.] [Icel. gelda to castrate; akin to Dan. gilde, Sw. g["a]lla, and cf. AS. gilte a young sow, OHG. galt dry, not giving milk, G. gelt, Goth. gilpa siclke.]

  1. To castrate; to emasculate.

  2. To deprive of anything essential.

    Bereft and gelded of his patrimony.

  3. To deprive of anything exceptionable; as, to geld a book, or a story; to expurgate. [Obs.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"royal tax in medieval England," Old English gield "payment, tribute," from Proto-Germanic *geldam "payment" (cognates: Middle High German gelt "payment, contribution," German geld "money," Old Norse gjald "payment," Gothic gild "tribute, tax"), from PIE root of yield (v.).


"to castrate," c.1300, from Old Norse gelda "castrate" from geldr "barren," from Proto-Germanic *galdu-, from PIE *ghel- (3) "to cut." Related: Gelded. Compare Old Norse geldr "yielding no milk, dry," Old High German galt "barren," said of a cow.


Etymology 1 n. 1 money; notably: 2 # A tribute 3 # A compensation, notably a financial one 4 # A ransom. 5 # A medieval form of Land Tax Etymology 2

vb. (context transitive English) To castrate a male (usually an animal).

  1. v. cut off the testicles (of male animals such as horses); "the vet gelded the young horse" [syn: cut]

  2. [also: gelt]


Geld may refer to:

  • Money, in Dutch or German languages
  • Danegeld, was a tax raised to pay tribute to Viking raiders
  • Heregeld, a tax raised in medieval England to pay for the army.
  • Land Tax based on hides in the Middle Ages
  • Weregeld
  • Gelt, Yiddish for money
  • Gelding, castrated animal

Usage examples of "geld".

Removal of the male member and testes against apicial gelding, on this one game on the Board of Origin.

Lord Jaufre and his party of grooms, austringers, and spaniels just outside the village, Melyssan saw that even the earl had exchanged his formidable black stallion for a quiet roan gelding.

Ihr drei lebt nicht lange genug, um einen Dollar von dem Geld auszugeben.

Cerryl slipped the glass into the saddlebag and remounted, easing the gelding up beside Hiser and riding beside the young subofficer to the head of the column headed back to the southeast.

After easing the gelding through the carriage gate, Cerryl tied his mount to a hitching post under the overhanging front eaves of the stable and dismounted.

A lean Kandori with a large pearl in her left ear and silver chains across her chest sat her saddle calmly, gloved hand folded on the pommel, maybe still unaware that her gray gelding and her wagon teams alike would be put into the lottery once she was into the city.

Seemingly bored, Gobo rested in a shaded litter and watched a slave ready the scales to weigh the ransom geld.

Poole, and then going over on most Wednesdays to see how they were getting on - a practice interrupted only by his horse playing the fool and coming down with him on a slippery piece of road near Gromwell, a foolish caper that resulted in a broken collar-bone and the replacement of the sprightly gelding by the serious-minded grey mare.

Tonilda, the silk and jewel markets of Ikat Yeldashay or the iron foundries of Gelt.

Anne had weleens lachend gezegd dat ze het zo leuk vond het geld uit te geven dat ze voor hun oude dag opzij hadden gelegd.

All the male camels are gelded, whilst many breeding maharees carry no weights, but follow their burdened kind with their foals.

Vaticaan uit met een kwart miljoen gelovigen die waren gekomen om de zegen van de paus in ontvangst te nemen, om te bidden, om rond te kijken en souvenirs te kopen of alleen maar om te merken dat hun geld was gejat.

But before she could go on Harry Mellow reined in his rangey gelding beside the cart.

The only sound Rawhead understood from the mouth of the man was this sound he was hearing now, this high-pitched shriek that always attended a gelding.

Strynn wandered off to confirm, leaving Avall to reacquaint himself with the mount he rode when riding was necessary: a sturdy gelding named Tarnish.