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geisha girl

n. a Japanese woman trained to entertain men with conversation and singing and dancing [syn: geisha]

Usage examples of "geisha girl".

Confused, Jak finally joined in on the third line, already half a line behind the geisha girl.

Well, he seemed pretty sincere to me, so I finally agreed, provided that when it was all over he'd also tell the world that he was just in disguise as a Geisha girl and he and I didn't have no degenerate relationship going on behind the scenes, and then he went to sleep on the couch and left the bed for me, but about two in the morning I finally decided that I had to get something to eat even if it meant eating at the Momonjiya or the Taiko, so I climbed into my clothes and tiptoed out into the hall so as not to wake the sleeping Mr.

It seemed to translate to something like Atropos' concept of the geisha girl.

The Czar of Russia paid deep and devoted attention to a light-footed Geisha girl, while the Mikado and Folly, a jingling thing in bells and abbreviated skirts, romped together.

On the fridge is a new drawing by Mark of a geisha girl with fangs carrying a martini.

The reporter was very pretty, with her mobile eyes and trained expressions, like a latter-day All-American geisha girl.

Despite her name, her chief racial component appeared to be Japanese, and there were times when with just a little imagination Poole could picture her as a rather mature Geisha Girl.