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n. (context zoology English) Any member of the Gazidae.

Usage examples of "gazid".

And as her friends, the artistic elite of Salacus Fields, laughed and cheered them on, Gazid had handed her a stiff white card stamped with a simple crest of a three-by-three chessboard.

D’you know what your friend and agent Lucky Gazid is prepared to pay for his latest illicit tipple?

As he watched, Gazid reached up and clutched his head, shaking it suddenly and violently as if it was full of insects.

He looked carefully at Gazid, who was beginning to swagger again, even with his face slick and ugly with gore and mucus.

He was not so foolish as to think he could trust Lucky Gazid, but at least this way Isaac could keep him vaguely sweet.

He regarded Lucky Gazid, who watched the caterpillar eating and smiled beatifically, swaying.

He intended to find out more about the extraordinary substance—Lemuel Pigeon would be the person to ask, or Lucky Gazid, if he ever reappeared—but the pace of his work in crisis theory overtook him.

At first I thought you might have wanted all that ‘shit you bought from Gazid for yourself, but the idiot man’s wittering eventually turned to your caterpillar in Brock Marsh, and I realized the magnitude of your scheme.

It was only a few seconds before she recognized Gazid, and saw that he had been butchered.

As he watched, Gazid reached up and clutched his head, shaking it suddenly and vio­lently as if it was full of insects.

It was only a few seconds be­fore she recognized Gazid, and saw that he had been butchered.

Isaac could see the fat grub wriggling, jack-knifing in excitement, twisting desperately against the wire front, squirm­ing with sudden reserves of energy towards Lucky Gazid.

Isaac could see the fat grub wriggling, jack-knifing in excitement, twisting desperately against the wire front, squirming with sudden reserves of energy towards Lucky Gazid.