a. Adorned with one or more gauntlets
adj. wearing a protective glove; "gestured with his gauntleted hand"
Usage examples of "gauntleted".
When he linked his right hand to the gauntleted left and squeezed, carefully, his right soon was hurting, while his left never felt the pressure.
He looked thrilled but scared, his gauntleted hands clutching tightly to the harness.
Marlys boxed her ears and drove all the parchments into the floor with a sweep of a gauntleted hand.
He scooped the dice up, weighing them in his gauntleted palm like chips of gold.
His gauntleted fingers smoothed the veil over the back of his hand with infinite tenderness.
His gauntleted fingers curled at the memory of gossamer blond strands cupped in his palm, and a frustrated despair flowered deep in his belly.
With a determination that daunted Gareth, gauntleted fingers curled around the helm.
He raised a gauntleted hand, and a sizzling bolt of sickly green color streaked directly toward Brother Edmorel, striking the cleric with terrible force.
In his gauntleted hand was an unadorned shield, this the source of the holy light.
She expected to see his gauntleted hands on his sword hilt rather than resting at ease on the tall pommel of his saddle.
Their strategy in dealing with them proved their kinship: they let the grinning, gauntleted vampires close with them and charge, then ducked through Mobius doors.
Torquay backed his horse clear, and raised his gauntleted hand to her a second time.
It seared his thick black brows, and he threw up a gauntleted hand in an angry gesture.
When she fell to the ground, the other arm snaked around her throat, gauntleted fingers cutting off her air.
When he scrubbed at his face with gauntleted hands, frost crackled in his short beard.