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a. (en-comparative of: gaunt)

Usage examples of "gaunter".

He was gaunter than I recalled him, but the loss of a limb and the fever that follows will do that to a man.

Purple smudges persisted beneath his eyes, and his lean face was even gaunter than usual, yet his gaze was clear and alert.

Although she was near middle age and her face was gaunter than in bygone times, Luterin recognised her immediately.

He seemed grimmer and gaunter than ever that morning, and as he looked around the great Hall, he shook his head at its faded grandeur reprehensively, as if he could, if time permitted, deliver a sermon on the prodigality, the wicked wastefulness, which had brought ruin on the house, and rendered it necessary for him to extend his charity to the penniless orphan.

Sherlock Holmes was pacing up and down the platform, his tall, gaunt figure made even gaunter and taller by his long gray travelling-cloak and close-fitting cloth cap.

Cid, and the myth of Juan and the chronicle of the gaunter Don on the gaunt horse.

His gaunt face looked gaunter than ever, but the daredevil gray eyes still nursed that humorous light in their depths.

At the gate they paused to regain their lost breath and sense of decorum for, across the orchard, the veranda could be plainly seen with the trim figure of Professor Willits in close proximity to the taller and gaunter outline of Mrs.

He looked near death: even gaunter than usual, and sunk in on himself, and so devoid of color that one might suppose the blood had been drawn out of his veins and replaced with quicksilver.

De Catinat also had noticed that the gaunt old Huguenot had grown gaunter, that the lines upon his stern face were deeper, and that his head fell forward upon his breast as he walked.

The vibrations stopped and the man sagged back against the wall, gaunter and yellower and streaming with sweat.

A bit of that was still therea familiar energy behind the deepened expression, the gaunter face.

Jegrai himself was waiting for them at the entrance to the canyon, looking much gaunter than he had this afternoon by the light of the torches held by the two men standing sentry there.