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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Gauge \Gauge\ (g[=a]j), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Gauged; p. pr. & vb. n. Gauging] [OF. gaugier, F. jauger, cf. OF. gauge gauge, measuring rod, F. jauge; of uncertain origin; perh. fr. an assumed L. qualificare to determine the qualities of a thing (see Qualify); but cf. also F. jalon a measuring stake in surveying, and E. gallon.] [Written also gage.]

  1. To measure or determine with a gauge.

  2. To measure or to ascertain the contents or the capacity of, as of a pipe, barrel, or keg.

  3. (Mech.) To measure the dimensions of, or to test the accuracy of the form of, as of a part of a gunlock.

    The vanes nicely gauged on each side.

  4. To draw into equidistant gathers by running a thread through it, as cloth or a garment.

  5. To measure the capacity, character, or ability of; to estimate; to judge of.

    You shall not gauge me By what we do to-night.


Gauged \Gauged\, p. a. Tested or measured by, or conformed to, a gauge.

Gauged brick, brick molded, rubbed, or cut to an exact size and shape, for arches or ornamental work.

Gauged mortar. See Gauge stuff, under Gauge, n.


vb. (en-past of: gauge)

Usage examples of "gauged".

Consequently, investments large and small are accurately gauged in the current business, whereas estimates of their value are downwardly biased in a potential new business.

I had no need to excuse Armelline, for the princess and the cardinal had gauged her capacities.

A chandelier the size of a beach ball, lit with hundreds of sparkling crystal lights, hung from a ceiling that, Lyssa gauged, was probably fourteen-foot high.

A very long time passed as she gauged his breaths, listening as they calmed, and his muscles relaxed, releasing his strife.

Chang gauged the distance to the crewmen, wondering if he could reach them before the snakehead was close enough to have a clear shot.

To give stability the sides of the voussoirs are gauged out hollow and grouted in Portland cement, thus connecting each brick with the next by a joggle joint.

Teldin quickly gauged the distance to the closest vessel, a wasp ship, and decided it would be within ballista distance within half an hour.

How well the English milor had gauged the strange personality of that redoubtable man!

Walking from the IV Tower, the first stirrings of the day, music and voices, from some windows, wondering is he really gone get himself gauged, Hardcore -thinks, as he often does, about his sons.

Using every meg of his computational abilities, Mahnmut gauged the vectors involved and jetted over to the upper hull, all ten jets firing in microbursts to adjust his dangerous trajectory, until he was within a meter of the hull.

Nguyen gauged one week as the ideal interim before recontacting Porgie.

Now though, Trennt gauged his mettle and timed the creep of his trigger finger against a new flatness in the seabound breeze.

Hubert, breaking in on the fervent assurances of his juniors that their new relative had gauged their tastes with an accuracy utterly unequaled in all their experience of adults.

But each one of the nine thousand who lived and survived in the world of Rubble Point used a carefully calculated amount of antientropic energy, gauged in ergs, of course.

It was an up-to-date cultural mannerism, an index of the suspicion that nothing we say or do can be properly gauged without reference to the fear that pervades every situation and specific thing.