The Collaborative International Dictionary
Usage examples of "gatten".
I reckon misses Gatten figured if it was good enough for her, it would suit you.
When misses Gatten, plump and placid, walked into the room with the papers in her work-worn hands, Emma practically pounced on her.
Before she could think of how to respond, misses Gatten trundled into the kitchens.
No one here at the castle cares about the thing, and I know misses Gatten would be delighted to give ye a little token of thanks.
By the way, misses Gatten says to tell ye to take the needlework with her blessing.
Contrary to what Polly and misses Gatten believed, someone else had performed that task.
Throninhaber und Throninhaberinnen ihre vollen oder Theilnachfolger, wie ihre eigenen Gatten und Gattinnen nach Wahl sich aussuchen.