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gaseous nebula

n. a cluster of stars within an intricate cloud of gas and dust [syn: diffuse nebula]

Usage examples of "gaseous nebula".

He watched in a state of shock as, in the wake of the supernova, the collapsing star shed a huge gaseous nebula composed of glowing radioactive elements.

And some worlds will look out onto a vast gaseous nebula, the remains of an ordinary star that once was and is no longer.

It was a standard issue, gaseous nebula, as near as he could tell.

Asteroids and other debris were sometimes known to occupy the space within a gaseous nebula, although the ship's deflectors could handle anything up to the size of a small moon.

The steel shutter-lids were rolled back at announced times and he was always there, watching the hard brilliance of the stars, enjoying the incredible hazy swarm of a star cluster, like a giant conglomeration of fire-flies caught in mid-motion and stilled forever, At one time there was the cold, blue-white smoke of a gaseous nebula within five light years of the ship, spreading over the window like distant milk, filling the room with an icy tinge, and disappearing out of sight two hours later, after another Jump.

At one time there was the cold, blue-white smoke of a gaseous nebula within five light years of the ship, spreading over the window like distant milk, filling the room with an icy tinge, and disappearing out of sight two hours later, after another Jump.

But also more sinister fears, such as of a ghost in space, resembling a small gaseous nebula: the ship that passed through it became haunted, a source of horrible mischief thereafter.

The sbiningness is a bright gaseous nebula, of course, and the remote spiral is probably the Andromeda galaxy.