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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Garrote \Gar*rote"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Garroted; p. pr. & vb. n. Garroting.] To strangle with the garrote; hence, to seize by the throat, from behind, with a view to strangle and rob.


vb. (en-past of: garrote)

Usage examples of "garroted".

Betts had been strangled, garroted, with some sort of thin cord or wire.

The diplomat had been strangled, garroted in exactly the same way as Scoop Martin and the members of the Paris station.

A gruesome mental image of Scoop Martin, garroted, flashed into his head.

The vicious killer who had garroted the men in Paris and Amos Hilliard and his good friend Roger Martin .

Thing was, they were garroted, but there was no wire, so I didn't get the pop.

They created object lessons that no one in the criminal community ever forgot: a grand jury witness garroted with wire, a hooker drenched with gasoline and turned into a cone of flame, a mob member who had cuckolded a friend emasculated and his phallus stuffed in his mouth.

I woke up about ten in the morning, found out that nobody in London knew how to make a good cup of coffee, and when it was getting on toward noon I moseyed over to the Garroted Goose, where Von Horst was waiting for me at a table in the back.

And not so much as a choice of means, but garroted like a common criminal?

Marcoyn had led the blood-maddened crewmen on their hunt for enemies, had hung the remaining lieutenants and a fourteen-year-old midshipman, Sempter, from the mizzen shrouds, and there garroted them one by one.