The Collaborative International Dictionary
Garrison \Gar"ri*son\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Garrisoned; p. pr. & vb. n. Garrisoning.] (Mil.)
To place troops in, as a fortification, for its defense; to furnish with soldiers; as, to garrison a fort or town.
To secure or defend by fortresses manned with troops; as, to garrison a conquered territory.
vb. (present participle of garrison English)
Usage examples of "garrisoning".
He could leave the additional two thousand men with the five thousand already garrisoning the forts in the passes at Margalla and Kohat.
The story of your son's lunacy when he saved the lives of the soldiers garrisoning the southern gate.
By the time night fell, the entire army would be covered by earthworks which would have made a Roman general proud, and they outnumbered the city's garrisoning Guardsmen by fifty percent.
The activity with which the envoy exerted himself in procuring troops from Naples, to assist in garrisoning Toulon, so delighted him, that he is said to have exclaimed, "Sir William, you are a man after my own heart!
A couple of years here and there garrisoning forts no one else wanted to bother with.