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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Garden \Gar"den\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Gardened; p. pr. & vb. n. Gardening.] To lay out or cultivate a garden; to labor in a garden; to practice horticulture.

  1. Having gardens or maintained like a garden. v

  2. (en-past of: garden)

Usage examples of "gardened".

The Marches met troops of them in the forest, as they strolled slowly back by the winding Dussel to the gardened avenue leading to the park, and they found them everywhere gay and joyful.

They looked from their windows down into a gardened square, peopled with a full share of the superabounding statues of Berlin and frequented by babies and nurse maids who seemed not to mind the cold any more than the stone kings and generals.

There are craters everywhere, overlaid circles of all sizes, some barely visible in a surface gardened by billions of years of micrometeorite impact.

And I told Miss Shoup that Mother gardened and helped me a lot with the housework, and helped Father with his antique business, and wrote letters to friends, and read a lot, and so on.

They were aware of gardened squares and avenues, bordered by stately dwellings, of dignified civic edifices, and of a vast arid splendid railroad station, such as the state builds even in minor European cities, but such as our paternal corporations have not yet given us anywhere in America.

At the heart of the clock face, Lucas realized after a while, were the principals of the orchestra: the conductor, the president, a couple of violinists, all with shaggy longish hair and cultivated manners, a kind of gardened drollness that led to heavy lids and rolled eyes.

She did her own milking, dunged out her barn, gardened, fed her cows and chickens—stuff like that.

She did her own milking, dunged out her barn, gardened, fed her cows and chickens—stuff like that.

When the thickening atmsophere made it possible they had gardened the surrounding terrain, which was rocky and high, not at all easy land, until they lived in the midst of a diffuse dwarfish forest, a bonsai krummholz, with alpine basins in the highlands above it.

A year or so back I remet after decades a childhood friend and neighbour, who asked, didn't I remember the man who'd gardened for both her parents and my own, who had planted purple and white crocuses in special patterns?

So magma upwells, lava spills out, over and over and over, and it is deposited over softer material—probably the gardened regolith that resulted from the intensive meteor bombardments of the planet’s earliest years.

So magma upwells, lava spills out, over and over and over, and it is deposited over softer material - probably the gardened regolith that resulted from the intensive meteor bombardments of the planet's earliest years.