Crossword clues for garbed
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Garbed \Garbed\, a. Dressed; habited; clad.
vb. (en-past of: garb)
adj. dressed or clothed especially in fine attire; often used in combination; "the elegantly attired gentleman"; "neatly dressed workers"; "monks garbed in hooded robes"; "went about oddly garmented"; "professors robed in crimson"; "tuxedo-attired gentlemen"; "crimson-robed Harvard professors" [syn: appareled, attired, dressed, garmented, habilimented, robed]
Usage examples of "garbed".
The innkeeper was somewhat in awe of his wealthily garbed guests and begged a moment to prepare suitable chambers.
There was no question that he garbed himself well and with subtle taste, not following the custom of others of his same gender who selected lavishly embroidered costumes and bejeweled codpieces that made it seem as if the wearer was flaunting his manhood .
Even when casually attired Maxim was a most handsome man, of that fact there could be no dispute, but this morning he was garbed in fine apparel: a taupe velvet doublet, puffed trunk hose of the same hue, and a rich burgundy chamarre lavishly embroidered with gold threads around the high, stiff collar.
Though not flamboyantly garbed, he was most attractively groomed in clothes that seemed to accentuate his manliness.
He washed and carefully shaved the light stubble from his face, then garbed himself casually in suede trunk hose, dark stockings, and a fine white linen shirt.
Maxim, garbed casually with his shirt hanging open to the waist, leaned lazily against the doorjamb.
Thus garbed against the cold, she rose and slid her cold feet into the hide shoes.
When he rose again, he had doffed his doublet and shirt and was garbed only in the narrow-fitting, waist-length stockings he sometimes wore instead of the padded breeches.
The blade fell from his numbing fingers, and he lifted his gaze to stare at the tall, princely garbed man, then his eyes dulled and he collapsed forward to the floor.
A roughly garbed man with unshorn beard was pushing close behind the lieutenant, almost on his heels.
Lounging about on her deck were a number of savage-looking sailors, bearded and garbed in shaggy garments made of fur.
Despite the intermittent snow and the crisp wind, the streets seemed full of people, most of them garbed in furs against the chill.
Instead of the short tunic the others wore, this one was garbed in a flowing green gown, and her golden hair was caught in with a circlet of what appeared to be mistletoe.
He had seen others, grayclad Rivans and the more brightly garbed visitors entering the hall.
Flamboyantly garbed and richly jeweled Darwinians haggled with leather-garbed Nadraks, and there were even a few black-robed Murgos striding along the blustery streets, with their broad-backed Thullish porters trailing behind them, carrying heavy packs filled with merchandise.