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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Gap-toothed \Gap"-toothed`\ (g[a^]p"t[=oo]tht`), a. Having conspicuous interstices between the teeth; as, his gap-toothed grin.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"having teeth set wide apart," 1570s, from gap (n.) + toothed "having teeth" (of a certain kind); see tooth (n.). Chaucer's gat-toothed, sometimes altered to this, is from Middle English gat (n.) "opening, passage," from Old Norse gat, cognate with gate (n.).


a. 1 exhibiting a gap between the teeth, especially between the two upper central incisors 2 exhibiting a gap where a tooth is missing, as of a child who has lost a baby tooth, or an adult who has lost a permanent tooth


adj. having widely spaced teeth; "his gap-toothed grin"

Usage examples of "gap-toothed".

Then one of the portals was swung half open and they were confronted by a gap-toothed, one-eyed giant of a man, wearing a well-oiled tunic of loricated armor and a brass-and-leather helm, with a huge, spiked ax on his shoulder.

But when the old Guardian, Mama Puletta, had indicated an interest in her, the gap-toothed, portly Lota had been smart enough to pretend to powers she did not possess.

With its bent, gap-toothed gears and its scabrous corrosions it served better as an Emblem, than as a Keeper, of Time.

Cimmerian saw no one save one aging blowze who cracked a door and gave him a gap-toothed smile of invitation.

The patroller brushed back his wispy strawberry blond hair and offered another gap-toothed smile.

Her hazel eyes studied Planir with an intelligence that made it plain she was no mere gap-toothed matron subsiding into dumpy middle age and greying hair.

Three fourths of all mankind consisted of gaunt, bony, blond-haired individuals with chiselled features and blazing blue eyes, the men six feet or taller in height, the women some inches shorterthe remaining fourth being the Racketts, Mudges, and Blunts, our farm families, who after generations of intermarriage had coalesced into a tribe of squat, black-haired, gap-toothed, moon-faced males and females seldom taller than five feet lour or five inches.

Three fourths of all mankind consisted of gaunt, bony, blond-haired individuals with chiselled features and blazing blue eyes, the men six feet or taller in height, the women some inches shorter-the remaining fourth being the Racketts, Mudges, and Blunts, our farm families, who after generations of intermarriage had coalesced into a tribe of squat, black-haired, gap-toothed, moon-faced males and females seldom taller than five feet lour or five inches.

She saw the same ruin that the bedroom had become as Jacky did, but instead of a bogan gripping her friend, all she saw was a smelly old wino, gap-toothed and unshaven, with bloodshot eyes, baggy trousers, and a white shirt so dirty it was a yellow-brown.

From dangling shoelaces and gap-toothed smiles to cowlicks and ball jackets to baggy jeans and shining falls of hair.

The first-place essay, by a beefy, gap-toothed man named George Eagers, concerned the time he had a flat tire near Tuscaloosa and the one and only Bear Bryant had stopped to ask him if he needed some help, thus proving the Bear’s divinity.

One of the big horse handlers guarding the coin box gave a gap-toothed smirk and opened his mouth, but Mat returned him a level look, and the fellow decided to put his eyes back on the coins going from townsfolk to glass pitcher to box.

Gangly, gap-toothed, Inman seemed out of place in the hardscrabble town of 200, where his father operated the local Sinclair gasoline station.

The Captain made his own choices, often unexpected ones, with gap-toothed old Laín Nunez his only counsellor.

Having survived to the lucky old age of nine, scrawny, gap-toothed little Skut knew all the Folk as well as he did himself and feared Tym's wrath enough to be dependable.