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Gannaram is a village which is 150 km from Hyderabad. It is located in Dichpally mandal, under the constituency of Nizamabad Rural of Nizamabad district, Telangana in south India..

It has a population of more than 9250. It is well connected by National Highway 44 and number of buses plying from Nizamabad to Kamareddy. It is a religiously diversified small village with Hindu Temples and Mosques. This village is famous for temples of Lord Shiva, Hanuman and Peddamma. Every year Kalyanothsavam is held in Village for Sri RamaNavami in April and special pujas held for Lord Shiva on the day of Shivarathri. Ugadi & Dusshera two are the major festivals celebrated in this village.

Agriculture is the main income source. People depend mostly on ground water. Major crops are Paddy, Chillies, Sunflower, Maize, Turmeric, Soyabeans, Sugarcane.

The major political parties are TRS.

First surpunch of the village Aarugonda Narsimloo ( 20 yrs), he started drainage system in the village and constructed shiva temple and roads of the village

At the entrance of the village there is a Lord Shiva temple, at the end too there is a Shiva Temple on the Hill. The population of this village is nearly 9,250 and the total area of the village in about 20 kmĀ² including agricultural land. Indalwai,Nallavelli,Sirnapalli, and Dichpally are the other surrounding villages to this village.

Presently, the position of the elected head of the village, or sarpanch Lavanya Das