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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Gangrenous \Gan"gre*nous\, a. [Cf. F. gangr['e]neux.] Affected by, or produced by, gangrene; of the nature of gangrene.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1610s, from gangrene + -ous. Perhaps modeled on French gangréneux.


a. Indicative of or afflicted with gangrene.


adj. suffering from tissue death [syn: mortified]

  1. redirect Gangrene

Usage examples of "gangrenous".

Anthony Bailor is about to have an incurable case of gangrenous balls.

My slide show consisted of color photographs documenting penises suffering extended priapism and the resulting gangrenous injury.

When a gangrenous wound needed washing, the limb was thrust out a little from the blanket, or board, or rags upon which the patient was lying, and water poured over it, and all the putrescent matter allowed to soak into the ground floor of the tent.

At the age of sixty-six he was confined to bed by subacute bronchitis, and during this period his whole penis became gangrenous and sloughed off.

Next planet a rockfall smashed him into a splintered gutbag and he hung for three gangrenous dark-purple days before the scouter dug him out.

Then they unswathed it, and propped upright before the pedestal the gangrenous corpse of a corpulent old man with stubbly beard and unkempt white hair.

Now the Crab is back, claw immense and gangrenous, stinking so badly that Kraft can barely get close enough to schedule him for immediate draining.

Federal prisoners, death ensued very rapidly after the gangrenous state of the intestines was established.

Many ulcers which originated from the scorbutic condition of the system appeared to become truly gangrenous, assuming all the characteristics of hospital gangrene.

The flies swarming over the wounds and over filth of every kind, the filthy, imperfectly washed and scanty supplies of rags, and the limited supply of washing utensils, the same wash-bowl serving for scores of patients, were sources of such constant circulation of the gangrenous matter that the disease might rapidly spread from a single gangrenous wound.

There is nothing profane - no dirty dog picking through the ash bin at a cremation ground, no stinking gangrenous stump thrust into your face by a beggar who seems to hold you personally responsible for all his woes.

The stench of vegetable rot and gangrenous chicken boiled over the Dumpster and had me reassessing my lunch plans.