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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Gange \Gange\ (g[a^]nj), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ganged (g[a^]njd); p. pr. & vb. n. Ganging (g[a^]n"j[i^]ng).] [Of uncertain origin.]

  1. To protect (the part of a line next a fishhook, or the hook itself) by winding it with wire.

  2. To attach (a fishhook) to a line or snell, as by knotting the line around the shank of the hook.


vb. 1 (cx transitive English) To protect (the part of a fishing line next to a fishhook, or the hook itself) by winding it with wire. 2 (cx transitive English) To attach (a fishhook) to a line or snell, as by knotting the line around the shank of the hook.


Usage examples of "gange".

I hae mair ado than I can manage the day, foreby ganging to houk up hunder-year-auld-banes.

Ganges to the Straits of Gibraltar, that they had no leisure for theological controversy: and though the Alcoran, the original monument of their faith, seems to contain some violent precepts, they were much less infected with the spirit of bigotry and persecution than the indolent and speculative Greeks, who were continually refining on the several articles of their religious system.

Ein Umstand, der uns die Selbstandigkeit des Ganges der Wissenschaft anschaulich machen kann, ist auch der: dass der Irrthum, wenn er nur grundlich behandelt wird, fast ebenso fordernd ist als das Findern der Wahrheit, denn er erzeugt fortgesetzten Widerspruch.

The Ganges was too deep to be forded here, this early in garam, except by using guideropes.

Now leave this hill station and run your eye down the Ganges river on its way to the sea, past Allahabad, Benares, and Patna, till you reach Mokameh Ghat, where I laboured for twenty-one years.

Mokameh Ghat on the right bank of the Ganges is the most important of these connexions.

The sulphur of Mount Vesuvius proves invincibly that the banks of the Rhine, Danube, Ganges, Nile and the great Yellow River are merely sulphur, nitre and Guiac oil, which only await the moment of the explosion to reduce the earth to ashes, as it has already been.

Phalanx in vollem Gange sei, auf mindestens zehn Gerichte zum Mittagtisch rechnen.

Now in Allahabad, it is likely that the pillar was removed down-river from Kausambi, an ancient and architecturally distinguished city in the Ganges basin where some of the earliest examples of the arch have been found.

It has been found in the valley of the Ganges, in Bengal, in the Santal district west of Midnapore, and Southern India.

The general route of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway is as follows: Leaving Bombay, it passes through Salcette, crossing to the continent opposite Tannah, goes over the chain of the Western Ghauts, runs thence north-east as far as Burhampoor, skirts the nearly independent territory of Bundelcund, ascends to Allahabad, turns thence eastwardly, meeting the Ganges at Benares, then departs from the river a little, and, descending south-eastward by Burdivan and the French town of Chandernagor, has its terminus at Calcutta.

Without pausing to catch her breath, she ran past the guards at the massive bronze doors, across a tiled and pillared hall, through the ceremonial entrance where the elite Bactrian archers stood watch, and around a startled delegation of merchants from beyond the Ganges River.

BEIC had developed poppy seeds that brought the finest quality opium from the poppy fields of Benares and Bihar in the Ganges Basin in India, a country they fully controlled this fetched top price, while the lower grades of opium from other areas of India were sold for less.

A second is also in Bihar, at the same longitude as Asansol, but north of the Ganges River.

After all, it was he who conquered the people of Anga, which gave us the port of Champa, which controls all the traffic down the Ganges to the sea that leads to Cathay.