Gangapalayam is a village which comes under Panchapalli panchayat, Palacode taluk, Dharmapuri district, Tamil Nadu, India. Gangapalayam is derived from the name Gangamma temple. The peoples are mostly Gandla community peoples. Telugu is their mother tongue. Years back they would have migrated from near by states Andhra Pradesh or Karnataka. Mostly they are involved in agriculture works. Their ancestors were in oil business. Nowadays Gandla peoples are migrating from the village and settling nearby cities Bangalore and Chennai for job purpose. This village is situated nearby Panchapalli dam. Agriculture is their primary business apart from rearing milch cows and goats. This village is well connected by road. Nowadays this village becomes a mining area. Rich business peoples are buying agriculture lands and which is very famous for black granites. Educated peoples are in various background and working in difference fields nowadays.