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gandy dancers

n. (gandy dancer English)

Usage examples of "gandy dancers".

The Atcheson Topeka and Santa Fe laid five hundred miles of steel rails, and the gandy dancers unwittingly served as racial separationists.

They reminded me of the groups of black men called gandy dancers in the Old South, who would come along the railroad track chanting, nodding, stepping forward and back in unison, banging out a rhythm with their steel rods, captivating children and moving on before you realized they had also, incidentally, repaired the track.

For seventeen years the drovers and gandy dancers who thawed their boots here and heard Nigger George speculate on the meaning of the Dead Horse Arroyo bones had a clearer idea of the prehistory of their continent than did all the certified brains of the Department of Physical Anthropology of the National Museum.

It was aimed dead at a railroad switchman who was staring in at them through the open door of the boxcar, who was cupping his hands, who was screeching at a group of gandy dancers farther down the tracks.