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gambling casino

n. a public building for gambling and entertainment [syn: casino]

Usage examples of "gambling casino".

At night I took Valerie to the hotel gambling casino while the children dutifully sat in the great wicker chairs of the lobby, waiting for us.

It's not generally known, but in case you're interested, there's a balcony in back of that gambling casino.

When it was explained that Freddie had been sent to Las Vegas to learn the gambling casino business he nodded his head approvingly.

Here we were on this fine Nevada morning, this cool bright dawn on the desert, hunkered down at some greasy bar in a concrete blockhouse gambling casino called the “.

Here we were on this fine Nevada morning, this cool bright dawn on the desert, hunkered down at some greasy bar in a concrete blockhouse & gambling casino called the Mint Gun Club about ten miles out of Vegas.

His first venture, a small gambling casino, was an immediate success.

He had just decided that the place reminded him somewhat of the gambling casino in Baden-Baden when, glancing down a side corridor, he saw the hotel casino.