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n. (plural of galloway English)

Usage examples of "galloways".

The galloways were unyoked, the smith was found, and soon the music of his bellows was loud in the quiet evening.

It was a broad chaise, drawn by two stout galloways, with a dicky behind in which a servant sat with folded arms.

When he emerged on the moor he was met by such a blast of wind and water that he could scarcely see the track, and his galloways stumbled among ruts and pot-holes.

No need to change horses, for the galloways would carry them next day to Catterick Bridge.

It proved to be empty of guests, the landlord was friendly, they were shown clean bedrooms, and, when Jock had seen the galloways stabled and fed, they sat down to a comfortable supper.

Nanty emerged from the inn he found the galloways being put to the chaise by an obedient ostler.