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Usage examples of "gallicus".

The Adriatic boundary between Italy and Italian Gaul had been the Metaurus River, but when Sulla incorporated the ager Gallicus into Italy proper, he moved the boundary north to the Rubicon.

Ager Gallicus south of Ariminum, and it now falls officially into Umbria.

Domitii Ahenobarbi, but I inherited most of the Lucilian estates in Lucania, and with the southern half of the Ager Gallicus added to my lands in Umbria and northern Picenum, I doubt I have a rival inside Italy proper!

When the Ager Gallicus was officially brought within the boundary of Italy, the price of it soared.

The exact location and dimensions of the Ager Gallicus are not known, but it lay on the Adriatic shores of Italy partially within peninsular Italy and partially within Italian Gaul.

Marcus Aurelius Cotta sailed the Sinus Gallicus from Massilia to Ostia in winds that veered between perfect and nonexistent, a better passage by far than could have been predicted.

Biff, I am Gaius Justus Gallicus, under-commander of Sepphoris, and I think that you Jews should make sure your dead are dead before you bury them.

I turned to see Justus Gallicus, the centurion from the funeral at Japhia, standing among the slaves.

The whip was extended out behind him, and on its tip stood the armored hobnail boot of Gaius Justus Gallicus, the centurion.

Gaius Justus Gallicus stood before us, flanked by two of his officers.

Gaius Justus Gallicus with his short sword sunk to the hilt in the solar plexus of Jeremiah.

By order of Gaius Justus Gallicus, under-commander of the Sixth Legion, commander of the Third and Fourth Centuries, under authority of Emperor Tiberius and the Roman Empire, you are all commanded to go home and perpetrate no weird shit until I have gotten well drunk and had several days to sleep it off.

Gaius Justus Gallicus, commander of the Sixth Legion, for Joshua bar Joseph of Nazareth.

Or, you can take me to see my friend Gaius Justus Gallicus, commander of the Sixth Legion.

The chancel is decorated with 12th-century frescoes by Johannes Gallicus, and contains the tombs of the founder and his consort, with beautiful effigies in relief, and also that of the emperor Otto IV.