Galler is a surname of German and Anglo-Norman French origin and a common name of Jewish families in Poland, Israel, and the United States. It is estimated that fewer than 4,000 individuals have this name worldwide. The name is also found as Galier, Gallier, Galor, Galer, and Gal-Or.
The Galler surname may refer to:
- Bernard Galler (1928–2006), American mathematician and computer scientist
- Bruno Galler (born 1946), Swiss football referee
- Lev Galler (1883–1950), Russian military leader
Usage examples of "galler".
Anyway, your comm plan is pie in the sky until we actually see Marengo in your Galleria.
The kind of hot that makes vinyl dashboards turn brittle and crack when you leave your car parked at the Galleria with the windows rolled up.
She was close to three major shopping centers: Brookwood, the Summit, and the Galleria.
Marlane was on the third floor of a new nondescript apartment building a block off Westheimer Road, behind the Galleria development area.
Jake noticed several prostitutes standing on the steps to the Galleria, but Callie was escribing the little girl's emotional problems and paid no attention.
Percorsero una galleria che sicuramente aveva ospitato di recente un torrente sotterraneo, perché il fango era alto fin sopra le ginocchia e dal soffitto l'acqua gocciolava loro sulla testa, una tortura in più della quale ben presto ebbero modo di sentirsi grati, quando il passaggio si strinse al punto che non sarebbero riusciti a strisciarvi dentro se non fossero stati fradici com'erano.
Cioè le grottesche, quelle su cui i reporter fanno spesso domande ma che nessuno ha mai viste in nessun libro o galleria.
Riuscì a tenerlo per due secondi, ed era già un successo notevole, poi un'ansa nella galleria che stavano percorrendo intensificò la forza della rapida che la strappò al suo compagno.
SkyCenter Galleria would be a fabulous vacation spot for sentient creatures of all ages.