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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Gallant \Gal*lant"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Gallanted; p. pr. & vb. n. Gallanting.]

  1. To attend or wait on, as a lady; as, to gallant ladies to the play.

  2. To handle with grace or in a modish manner; as, to gallant a fan. [Obs.]


vb. (en-past of: gallant)

Usage examples of "gallanted".

She launched into a sprightly description of a masquerade she had attended a week earlier, and although Hero might be extremely young and unversed in the ways of spoiled beauties, she could not but recognize that Miss Milborne’s reason for introducing this topic lay in the circumstance of her having been gallanted to this party by his Grace of Severn.

It was so comfortable, and very pretty in you to have gallanted me to the party.