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adv. 1 With regard to galaxy, or in a galactic context. 2 To a huge degree; immensely.

Usage examples of "galactically".

This must be a fairly common situation, galactically speaking, and there must be survivors' handbooks.

A light-day was a very small distance compared to those they had become accustomed to, but even galactically sponsored chemical drive was very weak.

The time of pioneering was over, galactically, and it seemed that the ultimate in civilization had been attained.

It was to their advantage to deflect any further penetration of the Mil at Tane or Lothar, for the angle of the Mil advance made the triangle two-dimensional and therefore Ertoi and Glan were not galactically far from Lothar.

That star system is galactically opposite to Clarf, north in a manner of speaking and rimward.

The unusual speed and approximate direction of the device was also noted as it headed galactically north and east towards the furthest edge of the Milky Way.

Judit was rather surprised to find that the Tondubh staff suffered from the illusion that Acorna was a galactically famous vid-star come to film a complimentary documentary on Kezdet's "economic miracle," but she said nothing to dispel the idea.

The planet had ten times the surface area of Man's birthplace, and was, galactically speaking, much more in the center of things.

Were regular reports sent out galactically, while the enemy trapped any galactics who docked at this planet?