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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Gag runner

Gag \Gag\, n.

  1. Something thrust into the mouth or throat to hinder speaking.

  2. A mouthful that makes one retch; a choking bit; as, a gag of mutton fat.

  3. A speech or phrase interpolated offhand by an actor on the stage in his part as written, usually consisting of some seasonable or local allusion. [Slang]

  4. a remark or act causing laughter.

  5. . A prank.

    Gag rein (Harness), a rein for drawing the bit upward in the horse's mouth.

    Gag runner (Harness), a loop on the throat latch guiding the gag rein.

gag runner

n. A loop on the throatlatch guiding the gag rein.